Parts of the Project
- Main Program Written! (
- Calls the chess_board, user_interface, and computer_player data structures to implement the program.
- Compiled & tested, more or less
- chess_board data structure
- Specifications written
- Implemented
- compiled & tested (but not rigorously)
- user_interface data structure
- Specifications written
- First-shot interface implemented and tested!
- Black-box test code written
- Computer Strategy
- Specifications written for both computer_player and static_evaluator
- first-shot static_evaluator implemented & compiled
- computer_player implemented & compiled but not tested
- General Utilities
- Specifications for several routines written
- All of these routines were implemented
- All routines compiled and tested (but not rigorously)
To Do
- test chess_board data structure more rigorously
- check file-input (break off into separate module)
- Modify chess_board and main.clu to allow "teleportation"
- write next-generation user interface
- finish implementing computer_player data structure (test!)
- I talked to our TA, and we don't have to use the machine_player data structures internally to our program
- To participate in the tournament, we will have to implement that data structure; we can just implement it as a wrapper around our internal one
- find optimal static evaluator (via genetic algorithms)
- Finish writing main-program and test
- Testing
Recent Changes
- 4/17:
- program updated to include first problem set specifications changes
- finished implementing chess_board
- main program does timing
Here is our April 25th progress report.