computer_player = cluster is create, opponent_moved, make_move, reset_state, get_options, set_options, get_name, set_name, get_evaluator, set_evaluator, get_color % Overview: computer_player is a mutable data type representing a % computer anti-chess player. Given the state of an anti-chess game, % it is able to propose an "intelligent" move. The related machine_player % data structure is implemented as a wrapper around this data structure % and the chess_board data structure. % We use this, rather than machine_player, for two reasons. First, % since the arbiter can pass our computer_player the chess_board data % structure, we don't have to keep a redundant copy of all that % information (as we would have to with machine_player). Second, % machine_player requires you to pass information to it in a % human-readable format, which is silly, and it breaks down the % abstraction barrier between the strategy and interface modules. % Uses the same options data structure as machine_player % written by stevenj and twm rep = record[opts: options, name: string, evaluator: static_evaluator, moves: int, nodes: real, reset: bool, ncount: real, tm: real, limit: real] % Abstraction function: A typical computer_player is a set % containing opts (of type options) which describe the % computer_player's options, a name for the computer_player (of % type string), and a static_evaluator which the computer_player % uses in the determination of a strategy. Opts is a struct % containing the level (type int) which describes the level % of skill with which the computer_player plays % (with higher numbers indicating more skill) and "iswhite" which % is a boolean flag which indicates the color of the computer_player. % Moves is the number of times the player has been called to make % a move since the last call to reset_state. Reset is a boolean flag % which indicates whether the internal state has been reset since % the game has started. Nodes is the number of nodes in the game % tree that the computer_player expects to search through on % each turn. Ncount is the total number of nodes that the computer_player % has searched through since the start of the last game. Tm is % the amount of time spent searching nodes inside the procedure % make_move since the last call to reset state. Limit is the total time % that a game should take in milliseconds. % The abstraction function % is: % A(r) = {[level, iswhite], name, evaluator, % moves, nodes, reset, ncount, tm, limit]} % Rep. Invariants: % * 1 <= level <= 5 % * moves = # of calls to make_move since most recent reset_state, % or since create, whichever is more recent % * ncount = # of nodes searched since the last call to reset_state, % or since create, whichever is more recent % * tm = the time (in milliseconds) spent searching nodes inside % make_move since the last call to reset_state, or since % create, whichever was more recent. % * reset = False if and only if the last call to reset_state % was made with the flag new_game being true. % * limit = The time passed to computer_player$make_move after the % last call to reset_state or create max_time = 300000 % 5 minutes rmax_time= 300000.0 % rmax_time: real:= real$i2r(max_time) panic_time = 45000 % 45 seconds r3panic_time = 135000.0 % : real:= 3.0 * real$i2r(panic_time) white_best_first = moveData${fromrow: 2, fromcol: 8, torow: 4, tocol: 8} black_best_first = moveData${fromrow: 7, fromcol: 8, torow: 5, tocol: 8} white_best_2nd = moveData${fromrow: 4, fromcol: 8, torow: 5, tocol: 8} white_best_2nd_2 = moveData${fromrow: 2, fromcol: 7, torow: 4, tocol: 7} % Variables whose scope is the entire cluster. These variables % are defined outside of procedures so that maximize and minimize % can be called without passing many parameters (to increase % efficeincy). These procedures are not visible outside the cluster % and these variables threrefore do not hinder the implimentation % in any way. own b: chess_board own clr: pieceColor own clr2: pieceColor own evlt: static_evaluator own actual: int:= 0 create = proc(the_options: options, the_name: string) returns(cvt) % effects: returns a new computer_player with options described % by the_options and name the_name. It will have the % default static_evaluator to start with. If the level % field in the_options is not in the range [1, 5], the % computer_player returned has the closest legal level % to the desired level (e.g., calling create with a level % of -3 will cause the level to be set at 1, and calling % create with a level of 7 will cause the level to be set % at 5). e: static_evaluator if the_options.level < 4 then e:=static_evaluator$parse(10,10,10,10,10,1,10000) else if the_options.level = 6 then e:=static_evaluator$parse(2,3,2,2,2,1,10000) else e:=static_evaluator$create() end end moves: real:= static_evaluator$get_anticipation(e) % (msec/move)*(nodes/msec) = nodes/move n: real:= (rmax_time/moves) * callibrate_nodes(e, 300.0) p:rep:=rep${opts: options${level:int$max(1, int$min(5, the_options.level)), iswhite: the_options.iswhite, telestate: the_options.telestate}, name:the_name, evaluator:e, moves: 0, nodes: n, reset: true, ncount: 0.0, tm: 0.0, limit: rmax_time} reset_state(up(p), false) return(p) end create get_name = proc(p: cvt) returns(string) % effects: Returns a string name for the computer player return( end get_name set_name = proc(p: cvt, new_name: string) % modifies: p % effects: Sets the string name for the computer player := new_name end set_name get_options = proc(p: cvt) returns(options) % effects: Returns the options for p return(p.opts) % does not reveal the rep since options is immutable end get_options set_options = proc(p: cvt, new_opts: options) % modifies: p % effects: Sets p's options to new_opts. If the level field in % new_opts is not in the range [1, 5], p's options are set % to the closest legal level. e: static_evaluator if new_opts.level < 4 then e:=static_evaluator$parse(10,10,10,10,10,1,10000) else if new_opts.level = 6 then e:=static_evaluator$parse(2,3,2,2,2,1,10000) else e:=static_evaluator$create() end end p.nodes := (p.nodes * static_evaluator$get_anticipation(p.evaluator)/ static_evaluator$get_anticipation(e)) p.evaluator := e p.opts := options${level: int$max(1, int$min(5, new_opts.level)), iswhite: new_opts.iswhite, telestate: new_opts.telestate} end set_options get_evaluator = proc(p: cvt) returns(static_evaluator) % effects: Returns the static evaluator p uses return(p.evaluator) % doesn't reveal rep: static_evaluator immutable end get_evaluator set_evaluator = proc(p: cvt, e: static_evaluator) % modifies: p % effects: Sets the static evaluator used by p p.evaluator := e; % doesn't reveal rep: static_evaluator immutable moves: real:= static_evaluator$get_anticipation(e) % (msec/move)*(nodes/msec) = nodes/move p.nodes:= p.limit/moves * callibrate_nodes(e, 300.0) end set_evaluator callibrate_nodes = proc(e: static_evaluator, tm: real) returns(real) % effects: Returns the speed of the machine that the computer_player % is on in nodes/millisecond. The timing test is run for at least % tm milliseconds. t:real:=0.0 total:real:=0.0 tstart, tfinish: realtime tstart:=realtime$now() bd: chess_board:=chess_board$create() while t < tm do % run for at least tm milliseconds clr:=whitePiece clr2:=blackPiece evlt:=e b:=bd maximize_position(-10000000, 10000000, 100.0) total:=total+100.0 tfinish:=realtime$now() t:=duration$to_milliseconds(realtime$difference(tfinish, tstart)) end return(5.0*total/t) end callibrate_nodes reset_state = proc(p: cvt, new_game: bool) % modifies: p % effects: Resets any internal state that p may be holding % regarding the current game. This must be done when % a new game is started, for example. The flag % new_game indicates whether this reset_state % is being called because a new game is being started. p.reset := bool$not(new_game) p.moves := 0 p.ncount := 0.0 := 0.0 p.nodes := callibrate_nodes(p.evaluator, 300.0) end reset_state opponent_moved = proc(p: cvt, m: moveData) % requires: m is a valid move for p's opponent % modifies: p % effects: Updates p's internal state to reflect the fact that % p's opponent has made the move m. end opponent_moved maximize_position = proc(alpha, beta: int , nodes:real) returns(int) % effects: Returns the maximizing score % that clr is guaranteed at the current node. % Returns the number of nodes that are actually searched. % Note: the score is only heuristic and is not % a guarantee on actual fitness. % % Also, increments actual by the actual number of node % searched. % modifies: alpha, beta, actual val: int for ri,ci,rn,cn:int,uinfo:undoMoveInfo in chess_board$all_possible_moves(b, clr) do actual:=actual + 1 n: int:=chess_board$count_possible_moves(b, clr2) if n=0 then val:=-10000000 else nds:real:=nodes / real$i2r(n) if nds > 1.0 then val:=minimize_position(alpha, beta, nds) else val:=static_evaluator$evaluate(evlt,b,clr) end end % if n = 0... if val > alpha then alpha := val end if alpha >= beta then chess_board$undo_move(b, uinfo) break end % if alpha ... end % for ri ... return(alpha) end maximize_position minimize_position = proc(alpha, beta: int, nodes:real) returns(int) % effects: Returns the minimizing score % that clr is guaranteed at the current node. % Note: the score is only heuristic and is not % a guarantee on actual fitness. % % Also, increments actual by the actual number of node % searched. % modifies: alpha, beta, actual val: int for ri,ci,rn,cn:int,uinfo:undoMoveInfo in chess_board$all_possible_moves(b, clr2) do actual:=actual + 1 n: int:= chess_board$count_possible_moves(b, clr) if n=0 then val:=20000000 else nds:real:=nodes / real$i2r(n) if nds > 1.0 then val:=maximize_position(alpha, beta, nds) else val:=static_evaluator$evaluate(evlt,b,clr) end end % if n=0... if val < beta then beta := val end if alpha >= beta then chess_board$undo_move(b, uinfo) break end % if alpha ... end % for ri, rc ... return(beta) end minimize_position make_move = proc(p: cvt, tleft: int, board: chess_board) returns(moveData) % requires: p's state must be current for the given board; i.e. % either opponent_moved was called for each move of % p's opponent, or reset_state was called since the last % move or change to the board. tleft is the amount of % time the computer player has left on its clock (millisecs). % modifies: p, bfr, bfc, btr, btc, clr, clr2, evlt, b % effects: Given p's internal state, and the chess_board, board, % returns p's move. May change p's internal state. If % no move is possible, returns the empty move. % This procedure will do a min-max search using p.evaluator % as the board static evaluator. % recalibrate p.nodes tstart, tfinish: realtime tstart:=realtime$now() if p.ncount ~= 0.0 then p.nodes:= ((p.ncount / * (p.limit/ static_evaluator$get_anticipation(p.evaluator))) else p.limit:=real$i2r(tleft) end p.moves:=p.moves+1 % Special cases when the number of possible moves is 0 or 1 clr:=get_color(up(p)) n:int move: moveData n:=chess_board$count_possible_moves(board, clr) if n=1 then the_move: moveData for fr, fc, tr, tc: int, ufoo: undoMoveInfo in chess_board$all_possible_moves(board, clr) do the_move:=moveData${fromrow:fr, fromcol:fc, torow:tr, tocol:tc} end return(the_move) end if n=0 then return(moveData${fromrow:0, fromcol:0, torow:0, tocol:0}) end % first move is hardwired into the system if p.moves = 1 then bd: chess_board := chess_board$create() if p.opts.iswhite then if board = bd then % do white's first move return(white_best_first) end % if board ... else % do blacks first move for fr, fc, tr, tc: int, fooInfo: undoMoveInfo in chess_board$all_possible_moves(bd, whitePiece) do if board = bd then return(black_best_first) end % if board ... end % if p.opts end % if p.moves % second move for white is hardwired into the system % The best second move for white happens to be the same % in all cases except two. In the first case black has % moved its pawn in column 7 out to row 5 and white must % take it. This is covered by the one move optimization. % The only other case is when black moves its pawn in column % 8 to row 5 blocking white's destination. This is % covered below by checking to see if this spot is empty. else % if p.moves = 1 if false then if p.moves = 2 cand p.opts.iswhite then bd: chess_board:=chess_board$create() chess_board$make_move(bd, whitePiece, white_best_first) for foo1, foo2, foo3, foo4: int, foo5:undoMoveInfo in chess_board$all_possible_moves(bd, blackPiece) do if bd = board then if ~chess_board$spot_empty(bd, 5, 8) then return(white_best_2nd_2) else return(white_best_2nd) end % if ~chess_board$spot... end % if bd ... end % for foo1... end % if p.moves = 2 end end % if p.moves = 1 % move must be determined with a minimax search clr2:=pieceColor$not(clr) evlt:=p.evaluator b:=board no: real:=p.nodes if p.opts.level = 5 then else if p.opts.level = 4 then no:=8000.0 % pick in range of 80000.0 - else if p.opts.level = 3 then no:= 450.0 % pick in range of 400.0 - 500.0 else if p.opts.level = 2 then no:= 45.0 % pick in range of 40 - 45 else if p.opts.level = 1 then no:= 0.0001 % no look-ahead end end end end end % if the panic time is reached used 2/5 of time_left if tleft < panic_time then no:=(no*static_evaluator$get_anticipation(evlt)*.4* real$i2r(tleft)/p.limit) end r_n: real:=real$i2r(n) no:=no/r_n no_16:real:=no/16.0 p.ncount:=p.ncount + no_16*r_n % maximization of depth 1 is built into this loop for % efficeincy in the maximize procedure % first do a mini-max search with 1/16 the desired nodes % to guard against time overflow nds: real alpha: int:=-10000000 beta: int:= 10000000 actual := 0 bfr: int:=0 bfc: int:=0 btr: int:=0 btc: int:=0 val: int for ri,ci,rn,cn:int,uinfo:undoMoveInfo in chess_board$all_possible_moves(b, clr) do actual:=actual + 1 n1: int:=chess_board$count_possible_moves(b, clr2) if n1=0 then val:=-10000000 else nds:=no_16 / real$i2r(n1) if nds > 1.0 then val:=minimize_position(alpha, beta, nds) else val:=static_evaluator$evaluate(evlt,b,clr) end end % if n1 = 0... if val >= alpha then alpha := val bfr := ri bfc := ci btr := rn btc := cn end if alpha >= beta then chess_board$undo_move(b, uinfo) break end % if alpha ... end % for ri ... % now do the full search if there is enough time tfinish:=realtime$now() if duration$to_milliseconds(realtime$difference(tfinish, tstart)) < 0.25*p.limit/static_evaluator$get_anticipation(p.evaluator) then p.ncount:=p.ncount+no*r_n alpha:=-10000000 beta:= 10000000 bfr:=0 bfc:=0 btr:=0 btc:=0 for ri2,ci2,rn2,cn2:int,uinfo2:undoMoveInfo in chess_board$all_possible_moves(b, clr) do actual:=actual + 1 n2: int:=chess_board$count_possible_moves(b, clr2) if n2=0 then val:=-10000000 else nds:=no / real$i2r(n2) if nds > 1.0 then val:=minimize_position(alpha, beta, nds) else val:=static_evaluator$evaluate(evlt,b,clr) end end % if n2 = 0... if val >= alpha then alpha := val bfr := ri2 bfc := ci2 btr := rn2 btc := cn2 end if alpha >= beta then chess_board$undo_move(b, uinfo2) break end % if alpha ... end % for ri2 ... else end tfinish:=realtime$now()$to_milliseconds(realtime$difference(tfinish, tstart)) return(moveData${fromrow:bfr, fromcol:bfc, torow:btr, tocol:btc}) end make_move get_color = proc(p: cvt) returns(piececolor) % effects: returns the color of p. if options$get_iswhite(p.opts) then return(whitePiece) else return(blackPiece) end end get_color print = proc(message: string) % effects: Sends message to primary_output as a line. % (Used as a debugging tool.) stream$putl(stream$primary_output(), message) end print end computer_player