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Timothy W Macinta's Resume Format Wizard

Please select the format that you wish to view my resume in. Most formats are generated on the fly from the same set of data and are therefore equally up-to-date.

Rich HTML (Recommended)
This is the recommended format because it provides a much richer experience than the other formats. This format looks like a standard resume in order to provide familiarity, ease of use, and a quick, high-level overview of my experience. It is distinguished from a standard resume by hyperlinks located throughout the document which unintrusively enhance the experience by providing easy access to in-depth project descriptions, in-depth skill descriptions, other in-depth information, and real-time rate estimation. The hyperlinks are used to conveniently provide an optional wealth of extra information which stays neatly hidden from view until desired.
MS Word (For MS Word 97)
I am providing my resume in MS Word format due to the large number of requests for it. Unlike most of the other formats here, the MS Word format isn't generated on the fly from my personal resume database, and as such it might be less up-to-date than the other formats provided here (I always update it soon after any major changes, though). If you want an MS Word version of my resume that is as up-to-date as all of the other formats, you can create one very easily by using the "MS Word Friendly HTML" format below. If you only wish to print my resume it is recommended that you use the PDF format or "Printable HTML" format.
This is probably the most reliable way to print a nicely formatted version of my resume (more so than MS Word because of discrepancies between different versions of Word). As with the MS Word version of my resume, the PDF format isn't generated on the fly from my personal resume database, and as such it might be less up-to-date than the other formats provided here (I always update it soon after any major changes, though). If you want a format that prints nicely and is guaranteed to be up-to-date, please use the "Printable HTML" format below.
Printable HTML (Correct CSS Support Required)
This format is always up-to-date and should print out nicely on browsers which properly support CSS. I have successfully tested it for displaying and printing in Mozilla 0.9.5 on Windows, IE 4 on Windows, and IE 5.5 on Windows. Other browsers may or may not render the page properly. Please note that my web server will give you a different page depending on the browser you are using in order to compensate for browser differences, so saving it using one browser and loading it in another is not recommended. (Points to note regarding other browsers include the following: Netscape 6.1 on Windows is likely to work since it is built on top of Mozilla. Mozilla 0.9.5 on Linux, however, had a few minor printing bugs. Netscape 4 did not print well for me on Linux or Windows, but you may have better luck due to the myriad of different incarnations of Netscape 4.x.)
Plain Text
My plain text resume can be customized to best suit your needs. You may customize the following options:
  Line ending: LF (OSX/Linux/Unix) CRLF (DOS/Windows) CR (Mac OS <= 9)
  Maximum line width: Characters
  Justify text:
MS Word Friendly HTML
This is a format that you can use to very easily create an MS Word version of my resume that is as up-to-date as all of the other formats. This format uses HTML that was painstakingly selected to look decent in Office 97. Simply save this format as HTML, load it in MS Word from Office 97, and then choose the "Save as Word Document" option from the "File" menu inside Word - that's all there is to it. This may also work in newer versions of Office than Office 97, but it has not been tested. (Please note that the resulting Word file will be up-to-date as opposed to being optimally formatted for visual appeal.)

The software which comprises this resume format generation wizard is copyright 2001 by Timothy W Macinta, all rights reserved.