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Timothy W Macinta - Contract Software Development

Install the Age Detector on Your Website

Ad Free Installation

These instructions will guide you through the steps of installing the Age Detector on your own web server. If you have trouble getting the Age Detector to work using these instructions, or if you want to use the automatically up-to-date version that resides on my server, please see the single step installation instructions.

To install the age detector on your web page, follow these steps:

  1. Download the file called "explicit.class" by clicking on this link with your right mouse button and choosing the save option. Make sure that you save the file as "explicit.class" - some browsers will try to save the file as "explicit.exe" but you need to change this to "explicit.class" in order for it to work properly.
  2. Copy and paste the HTML shown in the diagram below into the raw HTML of the page that you wish to use the age detector in. If you need more information on how to do this please see below. Also, if you want to change things like the colors you will need to change the HTML as described below.
  3. Put the "explicit.class" file in the same directory as the HTML file that you want to contain the Age Detector and copy both files to your web server as you normally do.

Please Note: If you follow the above instructions and it doesn't work, load your page in Netscape and see if the Java Console is giving you a ClassFormatError. If it is, then the problem is most likely that you downloaded the class file in text mode rather than binary mode. You need to change your browser to download a class file as an application/octet-stream in order for the class to download properly.

The Age Detector comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind whatsoever - use at your own risk.

<!-- Begin Local Age Detector Code  -  Version 1.1 -->

<applet code="explicit" width=472 height=320>
<table border="2" width="472" height="320" cellpadding="10"><tr><td>
It appears that you either do not have Java turned on or you are not
using a browser that supports Java.  There is an
<a href="http://www.twmacinta.com/detector/">age detector</a>
which normally appears in this space which requires Java to work.
Please download the latest version of a browser that supports Java
(such as
<a href="http://home.netscape.com/computing/download/">Netscape Navigator</a>
or <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/">Mozilla</a>) in order to properly
view this page.
<p>This age detector is used under a license granted by Timothy W Macinta's
<a href="http://www.twmacinta.com/resume/">contract software development services</a>.
The Age Detector is Copyright 1996 - by
<a href="http://www.twmacinta.com/">Timothy W Macinta</a>.

<!-- End Local Age Detector Code -->

How to Copy and Paste Into Your Web Page

If you edit your web pages with a WYSIWYG editor such as Dreamweaver or Netscape Composer, you will need to edit the raw HTML of the web page that you wish to put the Age Detector on. You can do this by editing the page using a simple text editor after you have made all of your other changes to the page using your preferred editor. Here's how:

Making Changes

You may make changes to the HTML of the Age Detector applet provided that you leave the copyright notice at the bottom intact, legible, and unobscured (as an example, you may not change the color or size of the copyright notice font to make the text hard to read).

Here are some suggestions:

All Pages, Images, and Other Content Copyright © 1997 - 2025 Timothy W Macinta , except where noted. All Rights Reserved. The "Tim Macinta Now" button may be used on web pages that are external to this site to provide a link back to this page. For usage guidelines on KMFMS artwork please see http://www.kmfms.com/usage-guide.html.