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Battle Simulator for Axis and Allies
Instructions: Enter the number of units with their strengths for both the attacker and defender and then press the "Start" button. The program will continuously simulate battles between the two sides and keep a running tally of the outcomes to calculate the probability of the various outcomes. Specify your units as "#_of_units@strength" and separate multiple sets of units with spaces. For more convenient entry, particularly because different mobile devices are more cumbersome than others for entering certain characters, you can use 'a' or '*' instead of '@' and you can also use ',', '+', or '#' instead of a space.
This program can be used to simulate battles for the board game Axis and Allies. You can use it on the web or on your cell phone / mobile device. Mobile Device: You need a Java enabled device that supports MIDP/CLDC. Download the program by visiting http://twmacinta.com/allies.jad with your device, or manually install allies.jar. For more details on installing Java MIDlets, see your device's manual.
Web: Use the simulator on the web below.
Example: 4 tanks and 5 infantry could be written in any of the following ways:
4@3+5@2 4*3#5*2 4a3 5a2 4@3,5@2
Run The Simulator
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