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Tim Macinta Labs Research and Development
Over time I have written a lot of software for my personal use and for projects that I have worked on where I have retained the copyright on and rights to the software. The software is typically fully functional and in some cases already in constant use, although it has not been packaged for public consumption or distributed to the public. I would like to publicly release all of this software in one form or another, but as this process takes time I have created the "Tim Macinta Labs Research and Development" set of web pages to solicit feedback on what projects people would find most useful so that they can be released first.You can peruse the list of projects below that I have worked on to varying degrees. If you see something that is of interest to you, please contact me and let me know what interests you and why. Many of the projects below I would be glad to release as open source or for reasonable licensing fees and for all of the projects I would be glad to offer support and/or continued directed development at a discount to my standard rates.
Each of the projects are at various stages of evolution which range from the design phase to existing (internal) production releases - click on the project's link (where available) in the list below to get a status report as well as a more in-depth project description, or contact me if the information you are looking for isn't there or the project doesn't have it's own description page yet.
- Web Based Briefcase
- Personal Electronic Feedback Loop (big brother software for use on yourself)
- Auto-update library for Java. Allows a Java application to automatically update any or all of its files across the Internet. Can even update the JVM.
- Gzip compression for webservers without mod_gzip
- Custom web crawler library for Java (can crawl forms with POST methods)
- HTML help browser for Java
- Pipelined InputStream/OutputStream library for Java - useful for maintaining many different streams over a single TCP/IP socket
- A library of many different stream utilities for Java including the ability to pass InputStreams over RMI, a NullOutputStream class (equivalent to /dev/null in Unix), a MonitoredInputStream class with associated InputStreamListener interface for stream progress monitoring, utility methods for piping InputStreams to OutputStreams with optional transfer limits and separate exception reporting for in versus out, and utility methods for eliminating the uncertainty of certain methods in InputStream (e.g., blocking on calls to InputStream.read(byte[]) until the entire array is filled)
- A library of many different file utilities for Java including atomic files, temporary files which are deleted even when the JVM exits abnormally, utility methods to mimic the Unix commands "rm -r" (recursive deletion) and "cp -rf" (recursive copying with forced overwrite), utility methods for zip and jar file extraction, and more
- GNU Makefile which elegantly handles inner classes and RMI classes (in Java)
- Modifications to the MRTG package which allow it to monitor system resources including cpu, disk, net, and swap usage
- Statistical analysis software for the real estate market in Boston.
- A Java library for lightweight components in the JDK 1.0 (which is still the best choice for applets on the web, unfortunately)
- Some scripts for verifying and managing MP3s created with Grip.
- A script that turns a command line into a TCP server on any port (useful for debugging web browser/server interactions, among other things)
- A script that augments Wget so that it works with brain-dead websites that require Javascript for navigation (which makes crawling very problematic)
- A simple shell script to throw in your crontab and PHP "pulse" files for your website(s) which will monitor your website(s) and email you if a problem occurs
- Many different "bookmarklets" for Mozilla and Netscape which let you perform various tasks by selecting a bookmark (for example, one bookmarklet will give you the definition of a word that you enter by prompting you for the word and then taking you to the definition at dictionary.com)
- More to come as situations change (e.g., I'm waiting for some non-compete clauses to expire for some projects and I'm evaluating the risks of publicly offering other projects)...
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All Pages, Images, and Other Content Copyright © 1997 - 2025 Timothy W Macinta , except where noted. All Rights Reserved. The "Tim Macinta Now" button may be used on web pages that are external to this site to provide a link back to this page. For usage guidelines on KMFMS artwork please see http://www.kmfms.com/usage-guide.html.