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[Tim] is extremely good - a real JAVA guru.  -- Peter Olotka, EON Games

Timothy W Macinta's Resume

Email: -- Phone: (617)466-9846


Contract software development in the Boston area. I specialize in full stack architecture and development of Java based client/server applications, mobile applications, and Linux development and am well versed in several other areas. I am interested in Senior Software Engineer / Architect and Technology Director roles on projects.

Availability and Rates

I will be available for work of 5 hours per week or less starting at the end of January, 2025. Please consult my availability and rates page for more information. My services are provided by Pensamos Digital, Inc.

Employment History

CTO / Principal Architect November 2001 - Present
Pensamos Digital, Inc.
Principal provider of software architecture and engineering solutions to numerous clients. Separately, managed and delivered all aspects of PDI branded software and services including a Java based peer to peer backup system. Fully responsible for product conceptualization, design, implementation, quality assurance, and maintenance. Libraries created in these efforts have been used by NASA, XNAT, et al.
Principal Architect November 2004 - October 2020
Thinking Maps
Produced software to implement and supplement educational curriculum of Thinking Maps, Inc. Full stack, 100% coverage and delivery of all technical aspects, after initial alpha. Effected architectural and implementation changes to keep product current with major OS paradigm shifts and evolving feature requirements.
Architect February 2014 - September 2015
eBay Enterprise
Architected and implemented the Redirector, a high-availability, high-volume event processing and data ingest system. Contributed to platform-wide security architecture including SSO and extensive work with PingFederate.
Senior Architect December 2002 - Present
Designed and implemented custom search engine based on Solr for the web's largest hardware driver repository. Designed and implemented custom, distributed mass storage system, and performed scalability optimization across tiers, growing the platform to keep up with the business and external demand. Instrumental in selecting, constructing, and overseeing product operations infrastructure.
Chief Technology Officer May 2002 - November 2008
TorchGlow Entertainment
Led in the architecture and development of multiple games for cell phones, including a massive multi-player wireless game and an innovative location based game. Continuously adapted the designs and implementations based on user feedback and changing requirements. Games were produced for a very wide array of handsets using a broad array of technologies including J2ME (MIDP/CLDC), WAP/WML, J2EE, and many more. Read more about these projects...
Senior Software Engineer / Architect December 2006 - May 2007
Designed and implemented portions of The Emergency Patient Tracking System (EPTS), a system to facilitate the triage, treatment, and transport of patients during disasters. Prepared the architecture for use in heterogeneous environments with support across numerous mobile devices, profiles, and platforms. Included the design and ground up creation of custom front end components.
Director of Engineering November 2000 - June 2002
Led in the design of and single-handedly developed an "email middleware" system which provided an architecture for delivery of value added email services in an email server independent manner. Also developed various value added email services for use within this architecture, such as an intelligent email alias database which allows users to easily create (spam-proof) expiring email addresses and permanent email aliases with customizable capabilities. Read more about this project...
Managing Director of Technology January 1998 - November 2000
Personally designed and developed the software which runs Pharmatrak's two main services. Directed other developers in the maintenance and expansion of these projects after completing the initial design and implementation. The projects included a statistical analysis service for pharmaceutical websites and a next generation search engine. Read more about these projects...
Owner, Developer, and Operator June 1998 - Present
Website authored and developed to promote alternatives to Microsoft's products. Developed electronic commerce software which allows people to pay for their orders of merchandise through a credit card authorization service as well as the software for managing the orders. Read more about this project...
Lead Developer October 1997 - February 1999
Headed the development of a pure Java search engine. The search engine was for indexing intranets, small groups of websites, or files on an individual computer. Read more about this project...
Software Architect / Engineer September 1997 - October 1997
EON Games
Project involved designing the architecture for and developing a networked version of Cosmic Encounter, a popular board game, in Java for use on the web. Project involved the creation of completely original client and server software as well as the development of compression libraries, image processing libraries, windowing libraries and data streaming libraries. Read more about this project...
Author June 1997 - September 1997
Wiley Publishing
Co-authored A Web Developer's Guide to Search Engines for Wiley Publishing. In addition to writing duties, developed all of the accompanying software which includes a search engine (Java) containing a spider and custom built web server. Read more about this project...
Software Architect / Engineer March 1996 - July 1997
Academy of Applied Science
Designed and implemented a large scale communications package for deployment within high schools. The package was a pure Java application which seamlessly integrated diverse communication protocols such as email, newsgroups, irc, talk and zephyr instant messaging among others. Read more about this project...
Author Jan 1996, Sep 1996, and Dec 1996
Macmillan Publishing
Wrote various chapters for the publications Java Unleashed, Java 1.1 Unleashed, and Java Unleashed Professional Edition. Read more about these projects...
Software Engineer July 1995 - February 1996
Dimension X
Development of software within the context of a company which provided cutting edge web presence. Began working with Java very shortly after its introduction in 1995. Wrote the world's first real time IRC chat applet in September of 1995. Created a Winnie the Pooh Coloring Book applet used on the official Disney website. Produced an image processing applet for Parker Brothers official Monopoly website. Worked on the early stage of Willisville, a new virtual reality community. Read more about this project...
Laboratory Teaching Assistant February 1995 - May 1995
Assisted in teaching MIT's foundational computer science course: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.

Educational History

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduated in June 1997 with a BS degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and a minor in Economics. Academic history.

Skills and Experience

Programming languages: Java (extremely proficient), JavaScript, Bash/Sh Shell Scripts (including RPM building), JSP, C, C++, Scheme/Lisp, PERL, Clu, PHP, BASIC, PASCAL, Assembly/Machine Language, Visual Basic, and various other languages. Very quick at picking up new languages.

Technologies: J2EE, J2ME, MIDP, CLDC, Swing, XML, XMLC, SQL, NoSQL, WAP, WML, GNU Make, HTML, SAML, LDAP.

Web development experience: Have been developing web sites since June 1994. Experienced with JavaScript, AJAX, Java, JSP, CGI, PHP, SSI, SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, HTML, Apache httpd, Tomcat, lighttpd, Jetty, Boa, thttpd, Enhydra, Solr, Lucene, Sphinx, Squid, AWS, S3, PingFederate. Have written my own web server from scratch.

Tools: Emacs, Eclipse, Git, Subversion, CVS, RCS, OptimizeIt!, the JDK, JDE, GDB, Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Zabbix, Wireshark.

Operating Systems: Linux (extensive experience), OS X, BSD, Solaris, UNIX in general, Windows 3.1 - 10, Android.

Project experience: View my detailed accounts of my experience with Java and my experience prior to Java's public release.

Security experience: Have helped to uncover multiple serious security holes in Microsoft's Internet Explorer. The most recent bug was discovered due to my extensive work with Java.

Contributions to third party projects: Have contributed to various third party open source and community source projects to varying degrees including Sun Microsystem's JDK (and derivative works such as the JRE, Java Plugin, and Blackdown JDK), JSSE, lighttpd, Enhydra, gftp, gnomeicu, gmailwatch, gweather, gnorpm, and the MM MySQL JDBC driver.